Can You Hear Me Now?

Suzanne Rupp DeMallie

The public education system is failing our children.

Almost two-thirds of our eighth graders aren’t proficient in reading or math. And in a single school year, US public schools see almost a million incidents of violence, a number that continues to grow.

In Can You Hear Me Now?, Suzanne DeMallie exposes the unsettling reality of our classrooms with a brutally honest account of the policies and practices that leave so many children behind.

As a parent, DeMallie fought a nationwide battle against bureaucracy for the simple, common-sense idea that children in the back of a classroom should be able to hear their teacher. Now, as a teacher herself, DeMallie is speaking loud and clear, fighting public-school dysfunction on the inside.

Can You Hear Me Now? walks parents and teachers through everything they need to know to make a difference in their local district and beyond, from the most basic questions they should be asking to the most effective steps they can take to make their voices heard. Join the conversation!

Press & Praise

Dr. Paul J. McCarty, CEO, Torus Global Industries, and BYU Adjunct Professor, Former Utah Public School Administrator and Principal

"Drawing both on research and the author's real-life experiences as a teacher, this book is replete with information that impacts educational outcomes. Suzanne helps the reader to understand why children and teachers are having difficulties in public schools and what they can do to make improvements. This book is written for parents, teachers, and educational decision makers who want to understand more about the impact of educational policies, the needs and diversity of students, and the complexity of the bureaucratic system. If you believe that EVERY child should have equal access to a good education, you need to read this book."

Jeff Anderson, President/CEO Audio Enhancement, Inc.

"As someone who works with school districts around the country to improve educational technology, I appreciate the barriers to change that are described in this book. Suzanne DeMallie clearly explains why some of those walls exist and how to break through them. After reading this, you will be compelled to join the conversation!"

Suzanne Rupp DeMallie taught for seven years in the Baltimore County Public School system. Research into her own son’s learning difficulties led her to author the Classroom Auditory Learning Issues resolution, adopted by the National PTA in July, 2007. Her work has appeared in Our Children Magazine, T.H.E. Journal, Towson Times, and The Baltimore Sun.

She has presented at the National School Boards Association’s Annual Convention; to national, state, and local PTA groups; and to politicians. Suzanne was awarded the National PTA’s Life Achievement Award in May 2007, the highest honor from the nation’s largest child advocacy organization.

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